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3 Easy Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Luke's

St. Luke's Online Giving

Give online using a credit card or directly through your bank account. It's safe and secure.

Click here to give online.

Pros: It's easy! You can set up an automatic monthly gift.

Cons: 2.9% fee + 30 cents per credit card donation or 1% + 30 cents per donation through your bank account. You can choose to cover these fees.

Your Online Banking

Go to your online banking and set up an automatic monthly online gift through your bill-pay tool. For the account number, just enter GIFT or PLEDGE.


Pros: No fees, no stamps, no forgetting your pledge!

Cons: Must have online banking.

On Sunday

Write a check or put cash in an envelope and drop into the offering bag on Sunday.

Pros: No fees!

Cons: Sometimes you forget your checkbook or don't have cash.

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